- Das Ganze vom Teil – 37 Positionen Gegenwartskunst im Wechsel, Kunstverein Freunde Aktueller Kunst Zwickau
- Art in Architecture, Gymnasium Dresden Klotzsche – 1. Prize
- Art in Architecture, Anna-Pröll-Mittelschule Gersthofen – 3. Prize
- Art in Architecture, Lehnbachplatz Schrobenhausen
- Lighter than air – Galerie bautzner 69, Dresden and Altana Galerie, TU Dresden
- Grafiek 2019 – Panta Rhei | Alles stroomt – Goethe-Institut Rotterdam
- Art Award Paradigma Blickwechsel – Tapetenwerk, Leipzig
- Kunstfenster #19 – GRID, Goethe-Institut Rotterdam (NL)
- Affichen Affair – CHIFFRE#CLOUD, Art in Public Space, Dresden
- RECONNECTION – International Triennial of Expanded Media, Multimedia Artand New Media Art, Belgrad (SRB)
- unrealised projects – Archive of Models, Galerie Ursula Walter, Dresden
- Ursulasalon, Galerie Ursula Walter, Dresden
- Exhibition – Art in Architecture, Humboldt Forum im Berliner
Schloss – zentrale Treppenhalle - LGLS – Line Geometry for Lightweight Structures, Bioinnovationszentrum Dresden
- public domain, Vlassis Art Gallery, Thessaloniki (GR)
- Center Shock, Earth Gallery Dresden
- city land space : Collection Zander-Schürer, Kunztraum Dresden
- Art in Building Competition Entries Exhibition, Forschungszentrum Regenerative Therapien, Dresden
- The best of all possible worlds, Technische Sammlungen, Dresden
- Wechselstube-Kantor, Birgit Schuh, Juliane Schmidt, Jarek Grulkowski and Christoph Rodde, Galeria Sztuki SOCATO, Wroclaw (PL) *
- sign systems, Vlassis Art Gallery, Thessaloniki (GR)
- to move mountains, Galerie Ursula Walter, Dresden
- Vor Ihnen, das Meer – resp. der Asphalt, die Schäden… – New Acquisitions by the Kunstfonds from the Purchases of the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, Güntzstraße 34, HfBK Dresden
- The Memory of Future Material, Franka Hörnschemeyer/Olaf Holzapfel/Joep van Liefland/Michael Sailsdorfer/Birgit Schuh in context to collectibles of the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg *
- WIN/WIN – purchases of the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, Halle 14, Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei
- Advancement Award 2015 of the Office of Culture and Monument Protection of the City of Dresden for Art in Public Spaces (Haifische Dresden Süd-West), Schloss Albrechtsberg Dresden
- Bildtaktik, ALTANAGalerie der TU Dresden
- Art and Science Prize, Bioinnovationszentrum Dresden
- Ideas Competition, Art in Public Spaces, Cultural City Hall Dresden *
- Kirunatopia – Art on landscape and resources, Art House Dresden
- Regionale 2014, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen/Rhine *
- Art in Building Competition Entries Exhibition, Health Center Glantal, Andernach
- Landscape Lab, S T O R E Dresden *
- trust me, Bellevue Hall, Wiesbaden (Schuh/Volkmer) *
- never leave me, Art and interior design for the artist’s guest apartment of the Arp Museum (Schuh/Volkmer) *
- Schools of Art, Holden Gallery, Manchester (UK)
- friendly takeover/Phase X, Art House Dresden
- Art in Building Competition Entries Exhibition, University Library, Heidelberg
- Visitor #1, City Church Konkordien, Mannheim
- 59. State Exhibition of Schleswig-Holstein, Museumsberg Flensburg *
- Pause – Working with the Past, Galerie auf der Freiheit, Schleswig *
- 2000 years Crisis, Rudolf-Scharpf Gallery, Project gallery for young artist of the Wilhelm-Hack-Museums, Ludwigshafen
- a minute is not a minute, Resource Center Supermarket, Berlin *
- Art in Public Spaces Competition Entries Exhibition, Heinrich-Braun Clinic, Zwickau
- function and dysfunction, 4AM Gallery of Architecture in Brno (CZ)
- Clothes Make the Man, companion exhibition to the Herlinde Kölbl Exhibition, German Hygiene Museum, Dresden
- sacred! – Art Prize of the Archdiocese of Freiburg, Administration Building, Karlsruhe, Augustine Museum Freiburg, Closter Hegne on Lake Constance *
- Diploma Exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts, Dresden *
- Jubilee Exhibition, Arts Club, Buchholz/Nordheide e.V. *
- Works Presentation, Art Prize of the Leinemann Foundation for Arts and Education, Academy of Fine Arts, Dresden *
- Chocolate River, Art in Public Spaces Dresden
- Roar, Art in Public Places, 80. Elementary School Dresden
- Regionale 2010, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen/Rhine *
* Catalog